Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday morning roundup

When I'd previously designated the Farm Bureau as the root of much evil, I didn't even know it was lobbying to unsave the Chesapeake Bay.

Don't let the headline of your obituary cite that you were a disaster to your country.

Gail Collins withdraws an apology.

I hope this brilliant idea catches on.

Awesome quote:
“China is like an adolescent who took too many steroids,” said Liu Kang, a professor of Chinese studies at Duke University. “It has suddenly become big, but it finds it hard to coordinate and control its body. To the West, it can look like a monster.”

The wedding I attended in Pittsburgh was (at least partly) a Jewish one, which might explain the absence of a cookie table. I'm a huge cookie person, but I can't say they make or break a wedding reception dessert table. Chocolate covered strawberries, on the other hand, are a must-have.

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