Sunday, December 27, 2009

No love for the crosswords

Mom and dad were on the phone with N., dad's second cousin in New York. I couldn't hear her, but I could infer what she said from what my parents repeated or answered. My inferences in brackets.

N.: [Is A. staying for New Year's?]
Mom: More or less. She's taking of New Year's Day.
N.: Close enough.
Mom: And she's going to a friend's house on New Year's Eve.
N.: [indecipherable]
Mom: Exactly.
A.: What, "exactly"?
Mom: She said, "why hang out with you two old people."
A.: Well, you don't do crosswords, do you?
Mom, to N.: You think they have wild parties? No, they sit around and do crosswords. A couple of years ago, they were here on New Year's Eve doing crosswords. Almost missed the ball dropping.
N.: What, like crossword puzzles?
Mom.: Yes, crossword puzzles. They do crossword puzzles.

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