Tuesday, December 29, 2009

lentil spat

Mom's assumption that everything--from the bunch of parsley on the counter to the mini-bottle of hand cream on the coffee table to the pot of lentils that I set to reheat--is has been there forever, and was left there and forgotten, is getting really annoying.

Mom: Don't forget that there's a pot of lentils on high on this back burner--I'm turning it off.
A.: I JUST set it there. Leave the lentils alone!
Mom: Watch your tone! Here, put it on low.
A.: Forget it. Turn it off. I don't care anymore.


A.: Do you not have any olive oil?
Mom: Grapeseed oil is the healthiest oil.
A., having smelled the grapeseed oil: No oil is healthy when it's rancid. This vinegar has seen better days, too. Why do you buy this stuff if you're going to leave it until it's gross?
Mom: It's fine.
A.: [Shrug]

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