Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday morning roundup

As nice as it is that this dude isn't throwing a temper tantrum and packing heat, he's still wrong. Here's some sound advice: turn off the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and use your f*ing brain. Nobody wanted to take over the car companies or the banks. As for fears that "a universal coverage system would dole out tax dollars to “lazy and irresponsible people who play the system...”" do you mean the unemployed?

Our society's seeming inability to discuss complex issues with nuance and thought just gets scarier:
The debate over Dr. Emanuel shows how subtle philosophical arguments that have long bedeviled bioethicists are being condensed, oversimplified and distorted in the griddle-hot health care debate. His writings grapple with some of the most complex issues of medical ethics, like who should get the kidney transplant, the younger patient or the one who is older and sicker?
Thinking conservatives--even the AEI--are getting worried about the soundbiting of public discourse. The Post comes to Dr. Emanuel's defense.

Really, the Guardian and Independent? Your editorship considers Wikipedia a legitimate source?? I love Wikipedia, but I wouldn't cite it in a newspaper (and I'm not allowed to cite it at work).

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