Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday evening roundup

Tom Philpott responds, calls out the anti-agri-intellectuals.

Anaphylactic shock is no joke. I should probably get a not expired epipen.

This comes off as an anti-exercise rant even though the author acknowledges the health benefits of exercise. More on this later.

I like the praising of the tourist trap as a monument to successful capitalism, but as for the rest of the article, I agree with David Gibbs.

A reminder that for many, health care reform is indeed "no abstraction".

Agree with both sides on this. The LOC has no business hosting Lynndie England, but they have a right to do it and we as a society need to move away from death threats as a debating tactic.

Great quote:
Sen. Elbert D. Thomas (D-Utah), then chairman of the Senate's Education and Labor Committee, urged passage by telling fellow lawmakers that the war was everybody's business. "When once total war . . . is undertaken, the sooner we bring home to our people the fact that all are responsible for the war, all might suffer by the war and therefore all should sustain the losses, the better off we will be in a social and governmental way," he said.

The date palm is the Olive Tree and the Lexus in one. And it's not doing well.

I don't think newspapers should be pro-government, but must the Guardian glorify the Taliban?? Here's a more nuanced perspective.

Sobering (changing) statistics on homelessness. Although I hate to nitpick... but is it fair to present "with a bachelor's degree" and "with mental health issues" as mutually exclusive categories?

I am hardly a hard-core camper, but I think glamping is a bunch of crap. That said, having forgotten cards and boardgames, we did watch Youtube from Alex's blackberry on Saturday night. And Alex was the last holdout to get a cell phone (among people who have actually gotten cell phones).

1 comment:

Tmomma said...

re the allergy article...have i mentioned that the littlest one is a walking about keeping mommy worried all the time...i even have an epipen for him...allegries are crazy