Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas morning (part I, I'm sure)

Last night.

I'm brushing my teeth, with an electric toothbrush (that makes noise). My mother opens the bathroom door and tells me a story about how wonderful her plumbers are. Which is great, but might it wait until I'm done brushing my teeth?

Also last night

Mom: You're skin has gotten better.
A.: Since I stopped eating dairy.
Mom: [Shrug]
Dad: My skin is starting to look old.
Mom: Amazingly, it really hasn't until recently.

It's true. My parents both have great skin.

Mom: Do you know what's great for skin? Urine.

Mom proceeds to tell an interesting story--but you'll forgive me if I recall few of the details--about how when she was a kid and went to some sort of school in the countryside, her mother and a friend visited, and were given a piglet as a gift. The piglet developed some sort of infection or wound, and was successfully treated with applied urine.

Mom: It has everything that's good, that's filtered. I'm going to apply it to this [infection/bug bite that she's had for months] if it doesn't go away.
A.: Didn't you get drugs for that?
Mom: Yeah, but I forgot to renew the prescription, and apparently, if you do that, it's no longer effective after you skip it for a while.
A.: [Sigh]
Mom: But I'm telling you-urine! So many people swear by it.
A.: I know Natasha is a big fan.
Mom: Yes, and other people too. It really works.
A.: [Shrug]

This morning

I close the bathroom door. Before I have a chance to lock it, mom opens it.

A.: Mom!
Mom: Just a minute--I want to check to see that the space heater is on.
A.: Check it later! I have to pee.
Mom: Just one second!
A.: Mom! Now!
Mom: I just... see, the temperature...
A.: Close the door!
Mom: [Sigh]. Fine!

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