Wednesday, September 8, 2010

those who don't learn from history...

A.: I told you this would happen.
Mom: On what grounds! How dare they?!
A.: They count on the fact that most people would sooner pay them than fight the bill, either because they're busy or confused or intimidated.
Mom: We need to take this to Call for Action! I will not let go of the whole history...
A.: Okay, first, call them and get them to drop the charges. Then go on your crusade for consumer justice.
Mom: Never have I encountered a company as shameless as Verizon!
A.: Every time you change utilities, something like this happens. They see it as an opportunity to screw you over.
Mom: We'll write letters.
A.: Call. them.
Mom: Tomorrow. I'm too tired now.
A.: Of course tomorrow.

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