Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pets-the safety hazard

Gracie has certainly done her best to try to send me flying down the stairs. She's managed to do some damage to my laptop, too, by knocking it off my bed (breaking the power input, $200). Recently-and that little rat knows she's not allowed in my room when I'm trying to sleep-she managed to break in and jump up on the bed right by my head, waking me up and scaring the crap out of me-- and knocking the laptop over. It didn't fall, but the power cord fell out, and I had some standby/hibernation issues after that, but I think they've been resolved. This morning, she was shrieking like a nazgul. It was that annoying, frequent and soul-sapping. Good thing she's cute.

1 comment:

Hans Mundahl said...

A cute Nazgul, hmm, now that's a concept.