I quasi-inadvertently planted a mommy-war landmine for myself this weekend by replying to a suggestion to get together with friends by saying that I would love to meet the newborn babies of two of said friends, but if we involve said babies, we should not do it in a restaurant, because babies in restaurants can be obnoxious (unless the parent is vigilant about removing them when they scream). I stand by that. Offense was taken, counter-offense was taken, issue was resolved. The counter-offense in my part was rooted in the insistence that one's feelings for babies in general could be and were in this case separate from the issue of etiquette and principle. Not only do I think it's rude to other restaurant-goers to introduce into their nights out potentially-screaming restaurant goers, I could not, as a blogger who consistently complains when other restaurant goers do so, encourage such an act. It would be like a Republican, family-values-touting Senator having an affair or soliciting gay sex in an airport. Except that I actually like to live by my principles.
A reason I bring this up, in addition to providing a personal mommy-wars tale, is that I think it's pretty laughable that I take myself seriously as a blogger. I actually harbor no delusions about how few people read my blog--even fewer today than I did a week ago. Just the other day, Jay sent me a Youtube link to "Pregnant Women Are Smug." I mean, are you f*ing kidding me? And then, just today, Gina sent me an invitation to join Twitter, ostensibly so that she could better keep up with me. Because it's not like I have a blog.
Now, I won't Twitter (and I don't Facebook, even though my fellow resisters are starting to waver), because it's just such a stupid concept. We've established that there's no need to share every thought and every action. There's something to be said for completed, thought-out thoughts. But that's a lesser point.
I'd like to reassure you that as long as I have even one regular reader--and by my count I have at least five--I will not be caught proverbially toe-tapping.
Japan Finally Got Inflation. Nobody Is Happy About It.
11 months ago
1 comment:
i still read and i take huge offense to your babies in restaurant comment so i'm going to stop reading....just kidding. we tend to choose loud restaurants or lunch at a place like chipotle. i've said it here before, i'm very aware of how loud my kiddos are and haven't actually had them scream in a restaurant yet....but i do have a question...babies are loud, even when happy, is that annoying? i don't know b/c at this point if it's happy noises i think it's cute....and i don't go to really nice restaurants with them either.
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