Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday morning roundup

When going too far in demonizing your target means missing an opportunity.

The Egyptian government is impressively pathetic.

South Africa's black schools have a very, very long way to go, but some are ahead, in some ways, of where Kansas would have been had its citizens not fired its school board:
Even when they realized the science teacher was absent, the student body president and his sidekick, a radiantly optimistic AIDS orphan, rose to lead a review session on evolution. And when the second-period English teacher was late, they just kept on talking about Darwin’s finches and genetic mutations.

“Quiet!” exclaimed Olwethu Thwalintini, 18, the student leader. “Can I have your attention, please. Exercise 2.1.”

Murmuring voices and shuffling papers fell silent.

“List two environmental factors which make it possible for the vertebrates to move onto land,” said Blondie Mangco, 17, the sidekick, whose mother died during final exams last year.
I'll get a TV when they're more energy efficient; for now, my laptop will do. Ooh, new season of "How I Met Your Mother" starts tomorrow!

I guess this kind of makes me feel better, except that I do eat a lot of vegetables and I prefer them organic... so I should still figure out how to garden.

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