Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday evening roundup

I know I should be happy that I can't go two days without seeing a Che reference; it should vindicate me, prove my point (i.e. if you are from this planet and have not heard of Che, such that you have to ask who he is, your head has spent too much time under a rock or in an even less desirable place). But with three mentions in three different parts of today's paper--four if you count the crossword--it's getting old. Having said that, this review is worth a read (and apparently, "Flat Broke" is not. Mr. Atwood, the reviewer, cites a number of holes in Mr. Jeter's, i.e. the writer's, anti-globalization rant, and mentions the Chilean salmon industry. Which, by the way, has been an ecological disaster. Speaking of disastrous aquaculture, watch out.

Oh, here's your other gratuitous Che reference (see second photo in the slideshow).

There's so much that unnerves me about this phenomenon. I can only hope the writer thinks it's worse than it is. On a similar note, the Post should tally how many guys in Date Lab will only date thin women.

I've only been to Tosca once and found it mediocre. Mind you, that was many years ago (and before I worked a few blocks away). And if I crossed paths with any powerful people, there or in any other Penn Quarter establishment, I'd be the last to know.

I don't get this; I've never had blonde envy issues, nor do I have the faintest idea what the Betty/Veronica fuss is about.

I love SNL:

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