Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday evening roundup

Did it really take the past week's events to wake people up to the sad state of public discourse?

Why the censure matters.

Gag me (and I’m not even talking about the disgraceful pun at the end). Although that’s preferable to the sad cliche at the end of this article.

Yesterday I blogged about cliche metaChe t-shirts. Today I have for you a bad communist pun t-shirt.

Staying with the theme of bad puns, RM has made Gracie his pet cause. Yesterday he came in, asked where she was, and went straight out back to greet her. He asked her, several times, how her day was.

He’s apparently convinced that she’s neglected (as an attention whore himself, he apparently identifies with whatever perceived neglect I subject her to). I can assure you that she’s not neglected (verbally abused, absolutely, but not neglected).

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