Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday morning roundup

Nicholas Kristof on change I'd really like to believe in, although let's also start harping on about the clusterf* humanitarian crisis in DRC.

Speaking of clusterf*s, have you read about WaMu?

Frank Rich and Timothy Egan keep it real. Both must-reads.

John Bemelmans Marciano's poignant, powerful op-ed contribution makes me want to read his book, of which I hadn't heard until now.

1 comment:

Ernessa T. Carter said...

This is so bizarre, b/c so often I wondered how people my age w/ regular jobs could possibly afford a home loan, and I'm w/ Wamu. I now realize that a lot of people were lying about their income in order to get into a home. Being a goody two-shoes (out of fear, not moral imperative)it never would've occurred to me to lie about my income and Wamu never would've have given me a loan before I started making a little bank at the age of 29. Lucky me. Thanks for the article.