Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday evening roundup

I reiterate my longstanding philosophy: I won't stare at or shame you if you are making an effort to manage your child. If you're just sitting there while he or she wreaks havoc, consider yourself shamed. I once sat next to a kid who kept hitting the cast/sling I had on my arm and kicking my book out of my hands, while his father sat in the adjacent seat and completely ignored him. I was once on a night flight where a dad let his 7-ish year old daughter hop and skip down the aisles while everyone else was trying to sleep. I have only compassion for parents who make an effort to amuse/calm their child on a flight; I have only resentment and disdain for parents who cede their parenting responsibilities once they board.

It's true, I know hardly anyone's phone number. My now-ex had called me out on not knowing his, and now it's probably good that I don't, since I deleted all his contact info, and so can't send him this with a note that it's great news for him.

Awww, some people get confused by The Onion.

Lady Gaga stands her ground.

I embrace these guidelines for vegans. I was just waxing rhapsodic about umami on Twitter. I would also add--as I blogged last week--that it's important to not make yourself crazy, especially if you're just starting out. Pick your battles and don't worry about having your vegan card revoked. I'm aware that I don't fit the official definition of "vegan" or even "dietary vegan," because I can't affirmatively aver that I never consume animal products. I don't care if I can't call myself vegan because I had eggs for breakfast at the hotel in Budapest or trout in the small towns outside of Prague. I go out of my way to never eat animal products at home, and I don't crave them. But, like I said, if you're going to leave the house and especially the country, and have meals with friends, and you're not a celebrity/millionaire, chances are it'll be more practical to consume small amounts of eggs and/or dairy. Until it's a more vegan-friendly world, do what you need to do.

Can you believe "The Princess Bride" (the movie) turned 25? I just quoted it today, not knowing that (we were talking about odd but apt acronyms, which invoked ROUSes).

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