Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday morning roundup

If reckless, stupid policies and police abuse make you angry, Sarah Stillman's recent New Yorker piece will make your blood boil. If that doesn't make you angry enough, Andrew Soloman's blog post on the children of "legitimate rape" has some fairly infuriating content (the post itself is not offensive; it's the reality discussed therein). Also: Victoria Jackson is bat-$hit. And then--this would be more comic if not for the social implications of the policies in question--there's the Philippino plagiarist

Inequality, poverty, and underdevelopment continue to characterize South Africa.

Foreign policy is complicated and rarely fits neatly into partisan ideologies.

See the blue moon (i.e., pictures of the month's second full moon).

Women are more than "pre-pregnant" vessels.

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