Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday morning roundup

India doesn't have enough civil engineers to fix its potholes because software engineering is a much more appealing career.

This is just my opinion, but, rather than hiring lobbyists, a better way for DRC to change its reputation is to deal with the humanitarian debacle plaguing the country.

I'll be staying away from the Mall this weekend.

The international commentary over the GZnM.

There is SO much hypocrisy in the following argument:
Geoff Ross, a Navy veteran who organized the tea party event in Florida last weekend, said the word means "the law that practicing Muslims follow to lead their daily lives." He became involved with anti-sharia events last year.

"I study the Quran, I study the Internet. I look at sources on the Internet and try to vet that information," he said. "I'm not anti-Islam. I'm anti-terrorist. But if you take quotes from the Bible and compare them to the Koran, the Bible might say, 'Turn the other cheek,' while the Koran would say 'Strike your enemies down and kill them.'"
I don't even know where to begin.

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