Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday evening roundup

The Onion is not mincing words. Wow. See also here and especially the third opinion here. But the Onion has competition: see the best tweets on the topic and this graphic. Also check out this poorly-written but on-point piece. Finally, the image on HuffPo's front page but not in the associated article reminds ladies to keep those metal clothes-hangers handy.

A moving photo essay--actually, just a segment of Walter Astrada's more comprehensive album--that associates faces and places with the apparently misunderstood concept of violence against women.

Moving on to lesser douche bags (i.e., of the Date Lab variety), what's wrong with flats?? Jezebel has some choice words on the matter. I love it:

I can't believe we're even still having this conversation, but dudes, LISTEN: Women's bodies, even ones into which you get to stick your penis, are not yours. Women have the right to be gross, to have hair, to be slow, to put on make-up, to not put on make-up, to wear fake eyelashes, to smell good or bad, and to be human beings. Women are not your dog our your lawn or your living room, you do not get to prune and groom and design us, and negotiating things like hygiene and style within a relationship is a matter of mutual respect. My right to do my own nails does not stop where your personal boner for trimmed cuticles begins.
Also, women: If you are single, it is not because your fake eyelashes are too bushy or Kevin doesn't like cucumber lotion. This shit is an oppressive waste of your time. Here's my new beauty tip for everyone on earth: Go read a book or something.

Now then, on a happier topic: Molly Ringwald's reflections on writing.

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