Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday morning roundup

Haiti's leadership crisis.

I love the discussion of fiction as self-indulgence unless there's a reader in mind. But even when new media challenge's one's reclusive tendencies, the right town will help you pull it off.

As a fervent Daily Show fan, I find Howard Kurtz's analysis baffling. Maybe it's my own liberal bias showing, but Jon Stewart has always been an equal-opportunity skewer of things that don't make sense. And this whole paragraph:
His "senior black correspondent," Larry Wilmore, solemnly informed the host that "Negroes aren't magic. . . . He's just suffering from the hard bigotry of high expectations." On another night, Stewart chided Obama for his cerebral style, saying: "You thought you could win us over with rational policy decisions and an even temperament?"
I interpreted less as chiding of Obama and more as pointing out the public's unrealistic expectations.

Sledding in Alexandria has gotten harder.

My governor, everyone.

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