Monday, May 11, 2009


Guess what? Some people think it's anticapitalist to teach kids to think about the implications of consumption :
"In January, a school board in Missoula County, Mont., decided that screening the video treaded on academic freedom after a parent complained that its message was anticapitalist."
Heaven forbid more kids start to think before they buy, like this impressive little guy:
"[r]iding in the car one day with his parents in Tacoma, Wash., Rafael de la Torre Batker, 9, was worried about whether it would be bad for the planet if he got a new set of Legos.

“When driving by a big-box store, you could see he was struggling with it,” his father, David Batker, said. But then Rafael said, “It’s O.K. if I have Legos because I’m going to keep them for a very long time,” Mr. Batker recalled."

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