Friday, October 10, 2008

but he really does resent USA Today's homometeorological agenda

We watched the Daily Show and Colbert Report repeats. Mom ranted through most of it, to the extent that even my dad was asking her to be quiet. I think she knows she's wrong and too insecure in her views to tolerate the slightest challenge. I've often wondered, "who believes all that shit?" but I kind of knew.

Dad: How does Jason feel about Stephen Colbert?
A.: Loves him. He was just saying the other day that he thought the show was hilarious.
Dad: In spite of the gay bashing?
A.: What?
Dad: Colbert is pretty anti-gay.
A.: You do realize that Stephen Colbert plays a character?
Dad: You mean, he plays himself?
A.: Kind of. It's a parody... mostly of Bill O'Reilly.
Dad: Are you sure he's not homophobic?
A.: Positive. It's satire.
Mom: They'll parody anything that makes them millions.

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