Once again, I feel like she's not listening to me. Yes, I know it's my fault for losing track of my own 403b, but it was a long time ago and I didn't think I would need it.
To give you a sense of the accessibility of the information I'm after, I present you with the very link I sent my mother.
Also keep in mind that the previous conversation ended with my saying that I had to go and that I'd call when I got home, around 8:30pm.
My phone rings at 7:30pm, when I'm in a homeless shelter helping to clean out its linen closet in preparation for a fire inspection. My hands are full and I'm focused on what I'm doing, but I figured it would be better to answer the phone.
Mom: You have one account with John Hancock...
A.: I know, I have a statement from that one. What about TIAA-CREF?
Mom: Yes, I found that statement. We get those statements.
A.: Yes, I know. That's why I'm asking you for the contract number.
Mom: Here's the name of the fund...
A.: I can't write anything down right now, could you send it to me in an e-mail?
Mom: They have a website, you know.
A.: I know. I can't log into it without the contract number.
Mom: What number are you talking about?
A.: Follow the link I sent you-- it shows you where to find the number.
Mom: Why can't you tell them to send the statements to your address?
A.: I will, once you give me the contract number and I am able to log into the website.
Mom: You have very little money in there.
A.: It doesn't matter. I have to report all my assets, no matter the amount.
This is akin to when my mother starts reasoning with me about something over which I have no control. When she gave me this Magic Bullet electric chopping tool, I suggested I would have trouble getting it through airport security because of the sharp edges. She started explaining that it would be difficult to weaponize it, as if I were the one who needed to understand that.
Mom: Oh, no. I don't know what number you're talking about.
A.: Could you follow the link I sent you?
Mom: I'll look, but I don't know.
A.: Okay, I have to go. I'll call you when I get home.
I just called.
Mom: Where do I get that number?
A.: I sent you a link...
Mom: Oh, you sent me something, to my e-mail??
A.: Yes, this is what I've been saying.
Mom: Okay, let me go look at it. I'll give it to you in a minute.
A.: It would be easier for me if you sent it by e-mail, if that's just as easy for you.
Mom: Where's the statement?
Dad: You just had it, a minute ago.
Mom: I know. I can't find it.
Dad: We'll call you back.
Woohooo! I have the information I need. And I've learned my lesson about keeping track of my own finances.
Japan Finally Got Inflation. Nobody Is Happy About It.
11 months ago
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