Sunday, October 21, 2007

Odds and ends

Before our walk

Mom, holding up an empty packet of instant oatmeal she found in the hallway: What is this?? Why is this here? Why did you leave this here?
A.: I don't consume artificially-flavored blueberry oatmeal, so that one's all you.
Mom: [Speechless]


During our walk

Mom: [Ranting]
A.: Please desist. Your political ranting is sullying the beautiful autumn-in-New-England day.
Mom: No. You have to understand this.

Mom: What time will you be home from the wedding?
A.: I have no idea.

Have I every answered this question another way?


I'm going to get dressed for the wedding now. I can't procrastinate any longer. I hope Wendy's on time to minimize my exposure to mom's fashion sense and unflagging mission to impose it on me.

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