Tuesday, October 16, 2007

lotus flower

Today has gone less than smoothly (more on that in another post), and less than smooth days mean less than the utmost patience for when what should be a quick errand gets needlessly drawn out.

I finally got a chance to call and report my Banana Republic credit card lost. Yes, I have a Banana Republic credit card; what can I say-- the rewards are good. Anyway.

A.: I'd like to report my card lost.
Customer Service Guy: What's your card number?
A.: I don't know. I lost my card. [and if I'd known it anyway, I would have punched it into the automated system].
CSG: Okay, what's your name?
A.: [I go through and provide my name, address, etc.]
CSG: Okay, what can I do for you?
A.: I would like to report my card lost.
CSG: Where did you lose it?


A., with impressive calm: I don't know.

Eventually, I managed to cancel my card... which is more than I can say for when I thought I'd lost my Bank of America card (I was grandfathered in from MBNA) when I thought I'd lost it... they were too busy to take my call, which really inspired confidence, so much so that I canceled it when I found it. After I cashed in my rewards for a Banana Republic gift card.

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