Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trip planning phone call

Jay: Hey.
A.: Hey.
Jay: So is it [unintelligible foreign word] time or [different unintelligible foreign word] time?
A.: Huh??
Jay: So is it [unintelligible foreign word] time or [different unintelligible foreign word] time?
A.: Are you asking me about meals? Or times of day? You know I've hardly learned anything practical.


Jay: So, Chad says that this castle is overrated--people like it because it has gardens and grass and $hit and that's hard to come by over there, but we're used to it.
A.: Oooh, ooh, I know how to say "grass"!
Jay: [Laughs, even though I wasn't kidding; that's what I have to show for myself.]

I'm also learning a lot of phrases that mean nothing to me. For example, from the picture, I think this means 'boy is flying a kite with the spool in his mouth,' but why the f* would they teach me that in the 'gestures' section along with coughing, sneezing and yawning? WTF??

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