Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday morning roundup

When my mother argues that not all religions have the potential for violence and abuse and claims Buddhism as an example, I point her to Sri Lanka.

A DDR success story in Nigeria.

The case for preglimony.

WTF, Metro? WTF, Pepco?

Where to go if you need a hug.

Gail Collins has some political physics for us. Also, see Milbank on Walsh.

This issue of single people as unlovable lepers has been a frequent topic of discussion lately. I don't remember whether I posted this excellent rebuttal. Here's an excerpt:
The amazing thing about life is how many complete assholes manage to find someone willing to put up with their bullshit and marry them. When I was a single person, the thing that crushed me the most when I was feeling lonely wasn’t that I thought I’d never find a spouse. It was that Donald Trump did. Three times. Ben Roethlisberger? Totally married. Michele Bachmann! Married to another asshole. Michael Vick? Just spent $300,000 on his wedding this weekend. The “Real Housewives“? They are, by definition, married. I always wonder why self-help books and matchmaker shows bother shaming perfectly nice people into becoming “marriage material” when so many complete shits of human beings didn’t change a thing about themselves and still found love.
Of course, married assholes don’t have to be famous. They can be these assholes, who had a three-day wedding celebration that they made their guests cook and pay for. They could be this asshole, who dumped a bridesmaid because she was fat. Assholes get married all the time...

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