Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday evening roundup

This is awesome, and I'd be worried that I've done as much perfectly sober, but I've talked to plenty of other people who have done it, too. At one point at a brunch last year, almost an entire table of people, most of whom I'd never met in my life, were talking about how they found themselves in the Pentagon's parking lot.

Wendy learned this the hard way yesterday and this morning (albeit unrelated to the Pentagon):
The Pentagon's own Web site tells visitors to take public transportation and warns that driving through the District during rush hours is "asking for trouble" and that the options to get to the Pentagon are "tricky" and "trickier."

I know you're sick of reading analyses of the tea parties-- and I've refrained from posting stuff-- but this one is really good.

On a kind-of related note, why moral hazard arguments against mortgage rescue can be misguided.

A witty take on the excesses of twitter.

I'm sure there's a market in this country for this kind of thing just waiting to be tapped.

You may want to wash your eyes out with soap upon seeing the picture, but the last sentence of the blurb is even more disturbing.

The second-seat controversy broke as I was on my way to St. Lucia. The Economist offers an intelligent take.

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