Monday, April 16, 2012

Very quick Monday morning roundup

How to teach your kids to eat (hint: no chicken nuggets or pudding cups).

Does Date Lab go out of its way to select douche bags? F. says he would, for the entertainment factor. Don't even get me started on this: "I don’t typically connect with people that haven’t traveled much — leaves a big void in the conversation." (What does that say about you?") But this kind of thing fits a pattern: "She’s cute, [but] I wouldn’t go much further than that." This is ironic but not surprising; click on the link: she's ten times better looking than he is.

1 comment:

Tmomma said...

I know her! We went to the same high school and she was in my brothers grade. She also worked at the same summer camp and was my junior couselor one summer. I keep meaning to bug my brother to ask her out on a date, he'll kill me for this comment if 1. she is also friends with you and reads this and 2. you are friends with her and relay this message, but hey, I've got an amazing matchmaking record!

Babyfood cereal is nasty! I remember trying to feed it to my oldest and wondering why he wouldn't eat it, then I tried it and gave him green beans instead. Success! Had the youngest try it just to be sure he wasn't allergic, but he wouldn't eat it either, so he started with veggies as well. Thanks goodness for apples and sweet potatoes for him! I wish I had better eating habits growing up, I'm hoping to teach my kids how to eat better so they don't run into weight issues like we have.