Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day roundup

You'd never know this based on public discourse these days, but men have sex, too.

Thought you've seen and heard the worst of old men trying to bully Sandra Fluke? Did you hear this:
Conservative cartoonist Gary McCoy depicted Fluke as a fat, middle-aged hypocrite bending over to scrawl her number on a men’s room stall stall. “Stay out of my uterus, government…that is, right after paying for my free birth control,” the caption reads.
All I can say is, thank goodness, this International Women's Day, women have a hell of an inspiration and role model. Let's hope a whole generation of young women take note of this brave, intelligent, articulate, dedicated, tenacious woman who has devoted so much of herself to standing up for women. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind--apart from those demented ones of Limbaugh and his cohorts--that her parents are proud as hell?

I agree with most of Lonely Planet's rules for air travelers, but I wish they would place some responsibilities on parents. Parents are to try to contain/comfort/entertain their children. If they are doing that and the children scream anyway, other passengers shall not give them dirty looks.

I don't know who these people are. I'm guessing they're people with kids, because otherwise they're just not great at managing their finances. In fairness, they may also be without health insurance, or they may be carrying a $hit ton of debt. I live in the DC area on a single income that is much less than the nationwide figure of $150k (and thus the regional one of $218,127.70), and yes, I know these are household incomes we're talking about, but still--I pay as much for housing than as multi-person households. And yet, I would say I can afford the basics, some extras, and some savings. Just barely, but I can. So, I ask you--exempting the whole child-rearing issue--who the hell are these people who think one needs $150k to subsist?

If you eat yogurt, you probably want to make your own.

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