Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Identity Crisis

I'm pretty sure I'm not a redneck (not that there's anything wrong with that), but, apart from that, I'm not exactly sure who I am.

Am I a hippie? On one hand, when we were playing Taboo this weekend and my clue was "trash," I said, "when you can't recycle, you..." and everyone said "compost!" On the other hand, am I a yuppie? I spent a lot of money on clothes this weekend. Because I like them.

So where does that leave me? I don't want to be a Bobo because Dave Brooks' whole book on the matter was essentially debunked (as amusing as some of the passages in it still are, like the one about going to REI).

I guess I'm your typical hippie-yuppie.

1 comment:

Tmomma said...

if you're like us and you live in the boonies but hug trees and have some yuppie clothes does that make your a redneck hippie yuppie? i just laugh at these groupings anyway, you are who you are and that's uniquely you.