Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday morning roundup

Why is the Post not a very good paper? Let me count the ways, or rather, examples. So many times I read something and think, 'this is going to be interesting,' but the article kind of rambles on without getting to the essence of the issue. Exhibit A is this article that should be about education, but I really don't get what's going on, so I'm posting it from the perspective that I can't believe yet another person is starting a gourmet cupcakery in the area.

German culture apparently does not embrace working women.

You may think that it doesn't matter that the President isn't leading on marriage equality, because he's not pushing inequality, but it does, and here's why (by way of Gov. Cuomo, by way of Maureen Dowd):
“I have never been in anything like that in my life, period,” he said. “Not when I worked with Clinton. Not with my father. In my 30 years in government, I never felt what I felt in that parade. Just the difference we made in people’s lives, how we touched people and made them feel good about society. It was really magic.

“A father, maybe 60 years old, came up to me and said, ‘You know, I have a gay son, and I never really accepted him and I shouldn’t have needed you to tell me that it was O.K. to accept my own boy. But I did.’ ”
How many such fathers would be moved by the President's leadership on this issue? Evolving isn't leading. Another great line from the column:
He said Senator Roy McDonald, a Republican who grew up in public housing and represents a somewhat conservative district in the Albany area, told him that he wanted to vote for the bill because “it’s the right thing. I believe my God is a God of love and acceptance.”

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