Mom: That high-tech body wash apparatus is wasteful-- most of the product ends up on the walls.
A.: Huh?
Mom: It's very inefficient.
Mom: Of course I did.
A.: That's not body wash-- that's an automatic shower cleaner. Are you okay?
Mom: No allergic reaction yet.
A.: Why didn't you ask first?
Mom: You know me, I was curious.
A.: Good thing it didn't get into your eyes!
A.: Wait, were you not alarmed at the twenty seconds of beeping before it sprayed?
Mom: No.
Mom: Does it work?
A.: Yeah.
Mom: How much did it cost?
A.: Why does it matter?
Mom: Because I think it's a waste of money.
A.: My shower is clean. That's all I have to say.
Earlier, I was upstairs continuing to unpack when I hear, "A.!" "A.!" "A.!"
I came downstairs and said, "WHAT???"
"Where is your shampoo?"
"In the shower?"
"On the shelf."
"You have too many bottles! Which one is shampoo?"
"Stop yelling, please. This is shampoo."
Various products had been strewn along the shower floor in my mom's attempts to get to the shampoo. Now I wonder if the shower cleaner had gotten in her eyes, but she said it hadn't.
I'd gone to bed quite late... it was hard to fall asleep before 2:30am and I had a lot of stuff to sort through. It wasn't entirely my mom's fault that she woke me up before 8am, but it was still annoying, as was the way she did it. What was really annoying was her being confused about why I was tired the next day and what I was doing until 2:30.
"A.! Where's Kevin?"
[groggy]"I have no idea."
"There's a kid here to see him."
"Probably one of the kids he coaches."
"Well, he wants to see Kevin."
"Well, he can wait until Kevin comes downstairs."
"He said Kevin told him to come at 8:00."
"What time is it?"
"I don't know, but it's far past 8:00."
I look at my watch.
"It's 7:50. Tell him to go downstairs and wait for Kevin."
I try to go back to sleep but can't. I hear my mom offer the basketball player tea, which is sweet.
"You look tired."
"Does that surprise you? I didn't get to sleep until late last night and you woke me up at 8am, although that wasn't your fault."
"What were you doing up so late?"
"Sorting through stuff, unpacking."
"What stuff did you have to sort through?"
"All the stuff I brought back from the trip, as well as the stuff you'd left around the house."
Dad pipes in: "Yeah, I noticed this morning the kitchen was clean and all our stuff was in neat piles."
Mom asked why I didn't just leave it. I told her I didn't live alone, I couldn't just leave crap all over the house, but that was only part of it. Especially when I'm scattered-- temporally, chronologically, seasonally, decade-ly and with my own stuff all over the place, more stuff all over the place just stresses me out.
I'm not criticizing my mom for leaving various baggage and stuff all over the house. Whatever. I'm happy to clean it up, organize it. I'm perplexed that she's perplexed that I would be tired after cleaning and organizing it, after a very long trip.
Kevin: You know, your parents are a lot cuter than you give them credit.
A.: I don't dispute that they're cute.
I smiled. They're wonderful people. It's just that they say a lot of things that are blog-worthy, so I blog about them.