Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday morning roundup

Official baby theft is horrifyingly common in China. Seriously. That story only gets more f*ed up as it progresses.

This bullshit about the cost of healthier food pisses me off on many levels. I mean, read the methodology: calling a bunch of people and asking them how much they spend on food, and also whether they eat healthily? Really? I agree--fresh fruit and vegetables are not inexpensive. If there were a way they could be more affordable without impinging on the wages of people who grow and pick them, awesome--that would be a great use of farm subsidies. But even if you ate few fruit and vegetables... just get very inexpensive ones like kale. You're still going to pay less for that, and other healthy staples (say, dry beans, brown rice) than for processed food.

I'm usually very disappointed with Shouts and Murmurs. I'd say there's a good one once or twice a year, and this week we're in luck, because God's Blog is awesome.

Go see the Ramayana at Source/Constellation. It's quite the show.

Dana Perino is an idiot.
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