Thursday, June 12, 2014

Phone Call

I can't believe that the conversation I'm about to report happened days ago and you're just hearing about it now. I've been that busy/distracted.

Over Skype:
Mom: Have you put on weight? I think you've put on wait?
A.: [Shrug]
Mom: You've put on weight.
Dad: How has she put on weight? I don't see it?
Mom: Look at her arms. Her arms are huge.
Dad: I think that's muscle.
Mom: There you go--always defending her! It's no wonder. No matter what, you always jump to her defense.

This went on.


Dad: What was that thing you'd offered me for Father's Day last year? A phone?
A.: A tablet.
Dad: Right. And I said I didn't think I'd use it. Anyway, I'm thinking of getting one.
A.: I'd be happy to get you one.
Mom: You turned down a phone? You're always making decisions without consulting me!
A.: It wasn't a one-time offer. I thought he could use mine when you guys visited and see if it's something he'd want.
Mom: Always making decisions without asking me!
A.: If this is what we're going to talk about, I have to go. I have things to do.

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