Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday roundup

Silver lining of this nasty. misogynistic election: men are starting to understand women's reality and how to change things:
Men have begun asking themselves what they can do to intervene in cases of sexual harassment or denigration – how not to stand by silently. Mothers and fathers have been asking how to raise sons who do not act like this.
Some men, anyway.

Mr. Fortenberry told Mr. Pence that his young daughter had come to him and said, “Daddy, Donald Trump hates women,” according to one of the lawmakers, who both insisted on anonymity to recount a private conversation.

“It’s just not true,” Mr. Pence shot back, arguing that Mr. Trump was improving with women, the two House Republicans said.
Hillary has a long history of being demonized, and no one's saying she's perfect, and yes she's hawkish, but she's pretty good. 
Wikileaks is a force for censorship, not transparency.
Gary Kasporov on what a rigged election looks like. Is there hope for Russia?

If dairy weren't a climate and cruelty nightmare, I'd support Chobani for its support of refugees.

Mental illness isn't a joke or a spectacle.
Parenting isn't off-limits to criticism.

I am disinclined to trust Quartz on anything science-related (they just bungled the basics of an article on nuclear) but this is a fairly interesting piece on the science of dressing up.

The history of a fake but successful British accent in America.

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