Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday roundup

Alaska's rampant, epidemic sexual assualt.

Why dudes needn't get a legal say in abortion.

Our waterways are so much healthier with fewer pesticides. But never mind, self-regulation works so well.

Don't take yoga with crazy people.

Someone actually wrote this:
Don't demand that whichever fast food company you work for pay out of pocket simply because you refuse to do more than work a single job. Corporate executives earned their money, and are by no means morally or financially obligated to give it to their employees.
and this:
The protests over fast food wages are not isolated incidents either, but symbolic of a larger problem in this country: the lack of accountability for one's own position in life.
Maybe the fact that you are relying on a job to make a living intended for high school and college students is not a product of the oppressive capitalistic economy of the United States—maybe it's a result of your own poor work ethic. The only person you have to blame for your own stagnancy is yourself; believe it or not, you can move up in this world, and expensive education is not the only way of doing so.
But wait! Another dude wrote this guide to "graciously" dealing with cat-callers. Who are just well-meaning, brave men who dared to approach women, only to be cruelly and callously shot down.

All that said, we only get to the good stuff when we see what some parents are writing.

In the vein of "don't blame veganism for your not being vegan": don't blame cooking for your choosing not to cook.

Buzzfeed once again takes on some of the crap vegetarians hear.

Why do we need videos to rile us to a cause?

Is blanket slamming of politicians harmful?

Steve Jobs limited his kids' access to technical products.

Ewww, placenta encapsulation is a thing.

Okay, I'll obsess.

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