Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday evening roundup

I love it! I may have to read this book. I've always been frustrated when languages I'm learning don't have a good word for boredom. To my knowledge, there's not one in Spanish. In French it's context-dependent rather than unique--the concept of 'ennui' is there, but 'ennuyer' is 'to bother' as well as 'to bore.' In Russian it's a bit more clear, although it can share the term with 'to miss.' I could go on, but the point is, I wonder why English is the only language I know with a strong, unmistakable term for the concept of boredom.

And you thought I was clumsy.

The Times rounds up the Alpha Wives debate. None of the contributions are earth shattering, but the links in the introductory paragraph may be worth checking out.

And now for the mommy wars: on shared-not-divided parenting; the overparenting backlash; and whether parenting lessens one's capacity for adult conversation.

With all due respect to the original J.Lo, this is awesome. As is last Thursday's Word:
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Two-Faced
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