Tuesday, July 21, 2009

RM update

We actually had a few civil conversations last night. He asked me how King Lear was, I said good but not up to the hype. To be honest--I'm either not sophisticated enough, or I overthought this--the Balkan setting threw me. I thought it was very well done, music and all, but apart from everything going to shit at the drop of a hat in both situations, I just wasn't feeling the connection. It was an excellent production, but it didn't blow me away the way Rock'n'Roll did, didn't make me wonder why I'm not at the theatre every week.

Anyway, RM said Penn Quarter--where the play was--reminded him a bit of the Village. It had come up among his colleagues-- someone had said he loved the area, another said it was seedy and dead (apparently hadn't been there since the opening of the Verizon Center and gentrification that came with it). Later, we talked about the exorbitant costs of pet care (his wife is flying out to meet him at his business trip location, and kenneling the dogs apparently costs a small fortune). Oh, and I get the house to myself for almost a week. Can't complain.

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