Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday roundup

Slovakia's (somewhat-self-) ghettoized Roma.

Texas still doesn't get the point of safety regulations. Oh, and there's a drop in inspection of imported food (and a rise in infections from it).

Okay, just as scientists needn't stoop to the attempted thought control of some religious proselytizers, people promoting religion--and protecting it from aggressive atheists--needn't stoop to this:

...especially because "believe what you want" is not a criticism of religion... or, this:

There's got to be a way to reconcile food safety and sustainable farming.

Whole Foods may have had vegans eating chicken.

Jezebel's take on the Kiera Wilmot travesty says it perfectly:
I don’t know about you guys, but I certainly don’t reflect on my own high school experience and think, “If only I had been forced to live under a constant threat of arrest for being an idiot and/or being bad at science!” (I would have gotten life on both counts, for the record...)
Actually, KW isn't bad at science (and, actually, I was only bad at once science, which is, ironically, the science at the forefront of my job). But that's not the point. The point is, that school is becoming an international laughing stock. I wonder how Florida taxpayers feel about this use of the state's resources.

Speaking of being an idiot... I've had a glass of wine but I have stuff to do around the house. Is it a bad idea to get up on a ladder?

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