Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday roundup

Late to this, but here's an excellent take on New Yorker festival-gate.

The error in Bannon’s headlining The New Yorker Festival would not have been in giving him a platform to spew his hateful rhetoric, for he was as likely to convert anyone as he himself was to be shown the light in conversation with Remnick. The catastrophic error would’ve been in allowing him to divorce his ideas from the fascist practices in which they’re actualized with brutality. If he is at all relevant, it is not as a thinker, but as a (former) executive who has worked to build the Trumpist edifice of power that cages children and is dismantling mechanisms of democracy.

Mr. Rogers, practicing the kindness he preached, became a vegetarian. On that note, here's a fantastic excerpt of a review of a ferry:
Here are some people who don't suck. And more people who don't suck:

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