We should be able to have safe, reasoned debates about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and so should synagogues in the U.S.
Eldercare in this country is a nightmare. What that woman's family went through is unconscionable.
Also unconscionable: that a mother is in jail for helping her daughter get an abortion.
Ferguson's police department rebroadcasts its need for adult supervision.
Poor students need more than scholarships.
A Syrian ambulance driver thinks of the cats.
California's rental market prices out the middle class, too.
Colorado bids at out-stupiding Texas in silly education initiatives.
Does inequality encourage conspicuous consumption?
Only clueless white people think cycling is for white people.
Natural gas is not the answer.
Stop throwing out food.
The abusive-behavior wheel is not an instruction manual.
Laci Green's open letter.
I probably can't muster *sympathy* for Kim K but the point is, her body is hers and images of her body are hers to release or not.
I was not wowed by Emma Watson's speech (although I didn't read the whole thing), but I can't decide how I feel with this critique. I can't agree with the idea that it's wrong to appeal to allies on the basis that society is better off as a whole when any given group is empowered. And here's a more compelling way to explain intersectionality.
Love is complicated and so are children. But Scandal (which I still haven't seen) can help. (By the way, the Times still doesn't really get it (it being its Shonda Rhimes profile)).
Emotion doesn't cloud reason.
Emotion doesn't cloud reason.
Chivalry needn't be confusing.
Paris Fashion Week isn't sure about breasts, and either is the Wonder Woman movie. The film industry, generally, has a gender problem.
If you're about to mommyjack, stfu.
Chinese tourists are unimpressed with Paris.
Paris Fashion Week isn't sure about breasts, and either is the Wonder Woman movie. The film industry, generally, has a gender problem.
If you're about to mommyjack, stfu.
Chinese tourists are unimpressed with Paris.
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