One should try to muster compassion for a woman whose son has been sentenced to death, but I just can't come up with it for the woman quoted in the Mumbai rape verdict.
Sexual assault has always been part of the storyline in American television, but these days survivors are the focus of their own stories, rather than mere accessories.
I was frustrated with the (perhaps uninentional) false dichotomy in Ian Frasier's article on homelessness; it's not an either-or thing, and the two sides would do well to appreciate--and probably do--that's it's a combination or perhaps a spectrum of external circumstances and individual ones. Dealing with either assumption alone is not the answer.
Politicians are getting sloppy in their ads, in hilaroius ways.
Grit may be overrated, but this line is priceless:
If enjoying a complex mental life interferes with performance in a contest to see who can spell the most obscure words correctly, is that really an argument for grit?
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