Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday roundup

Two responses to the Putin op-ed.

Egypt in flames even outside of Cairo (and Sinai).

Early childhood programs can make a huge difference for poor children and even very poor people are people too, i.e., have needs beyond subsistence.

You can appreciate math without necessarily getting it. You can appreciate language structure because it's there.

This whole Miss America "controversy" reminds me of what Kristy Yamaguchi went through decades ago (except that mattered because there were skills involved).

Keiko the Free-Willy whale: another cautionary tale about high-profile causes.

Food waste is a climate issue. Industrial ag is a public health issue.

Our ancestors didn't eat a lot of meat.

It doesn't matter how smart animals are; that shouldn't be a factor in preventing animal cruelty.

Molly Katzen (of Moosewood renown) talks labels:
I understand you're not a big fan of labels.
I don't love the word "vegetarian." I'm much more comfortable when that word is applied to the food and not the person. People have gotten so into defining themselves, and there are so many divisions in our culture already, and they're getting worse. I would love for food to not be adding to how separate we all feel from each other. I want it to be about vegetables for everybody.
It seems like there's a growing schism between people who label themselves vegetarian and vegan. What's your take on that?
I think the most-important thing for me to say at the outset is how much I appreciate everybody's good intentions, because I feel that people are just trying to do right and be healthy and respectful of the environment and the impact of their choices on the health of the planet. I know some vegans are annoyed that vegetarian food sometimes has eggs or cheese in it, and I know vegetarians sometimes feel like they are being judged by vegans. I'm so against people judging other people's food choices -- it just makes me crazy. I would never argue with anyone's reasons for wanting to do something, but food does exist on a continuum, and I hate to see it become just one more reason for people to feel divided against other people. I find that really sad.
Need some recipe ideas? The Times brings you some ideas for miso.

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